
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Im baaaack! (Tazzy post, and giveaway update)

Hello Lovelies, I know its been like a month since I posted. I went to Indiana to visit the husbands family, and some friends of ours for 3 weeks we were there, and when I got home, I got a MASSIVE tooth infection that lead to an abscess, and I have been working on dealing with that. The Infection is not fully gone, but with Echinacea and Goldenseal I am dealing with it and it barely bothers me anymore so there is that. So As promised soon I will be figuring out the details for the Giveaway where I will be giving away prizes to 4 people, and I might do another soon since I have a lot of stuff for giveaways.. I love paying things forward, because there have been many times in my life where I needed a hand and people have helped me out. so yeah.. this is a very short update I just wanted to let people know what is going on in my life.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

July Garden Update

It's July, so I figured it was time for an update in the garden.

We are slowly starting to do some harvesting. We have had new tomatoes to pick each day for a week or so now. We've actually been picking them right before ripeness due to tomato worms starting to attack! So we have a ripening bowl sitting inside so they can continue to do their thing.

Our peppers are just now starting to really take off. We've collected a jalapeño and a bell pepper that had a soft spot forming on it. It won't be much longer and we'll have more jalapeños ready and some poblanos.

The green beans are pretty much done, so we've been taking them out to make room for the 2nd growing season's planting.

Yesterday our 3 varieties of pumpkins were seeded. We also seeded Roma and early salad tomatoes, as well as zucchini and 3 types of cucumber. We had planted zucchini and straight 8 cucumber previously, but we haven't had much luck thus far. Hopefully we'll have a bit more success for the 2nd season of the year.

And in preparation for the 2nd season, we're working on a new 24'x24' garden spot.

We've also taken cuttings from the hybrid tomato plants we bought. Hopefully they'll take root and continue producing into the fall. I'm also hoping to keep these plants going for several years so the seeds produce the same tomato plants in the following years. They say it takes 5 years for this to happen so I'm crossing my fingers!

This season is really starting to take off and I'm already dreaming about the cooler days of the 2nd season! Until next time, happy homesteading!