
Monday, May 9, 2016

My Dad's Spaghetti Sauce.

This was my Father, Richard Allen Renaud. He was an amazing dad and a pretty awesome cook when he tried.. He Died two years ago and I miss him, and his Spaghetti sauce VERY VERY much.. I will be making it soon, and I really wish I had a stock pot big enough for it.. gonna scrub out my HUGE Crock pot and use it instead.

He never made it the same way twice, often using cans of stuff we had in our kitchen that he got on sale.. but there were always certain aspects that were in EVERY batch and the cook time was the same.. so Here we go.. and remember.. this is basic so tweak it to how you like it.. and remember this makes A LOT of sauce that you can store in your freeze or can for a long time.

Standard Ingredients

2 packages of Sweet Italian Sausage Chopped in to chunks and browned
1 pound of Hamburger Browned 
1 package of  Hot Italian Sausage Chopped in to chunks and Browned 
1-2 onions Chopped up and sauted in a bit of the fat left over from the Meat being browned. 
Since I don't have A Stock pot I will put this directly in to my Crock pot with 
1-2 Cans or Jars of marinara or spaghetti sauce.. whatever you have on hand 
1 14 ounce can of Chopped or Whole stewed Tomatoes
1 14 ounce can of tomato sauce 
1 small can of Tomato paste
Fresh or Canned mushrooms to taste (not something you need to add I just REALLY love them) 
Italian seasoning to taste,
Garlic Powder
Chopped dried onions 
and Beef or veggie broth

Stir this up really well and then put your crock pot or Stock pot on low and simmer it for 8 hours MINIMUM! stir frequently and if you notice it getting too thick for your taste add a bit of Water or stock to your pot.. 

This produces a really delicious THICK spaghetti sauce that is the BEST I have had.. My dad would make HUGE batches once or twice a year and then we would eat it throughout.

Not really High tech and fancy on telling you what to do but that is a perk of this.. you kinda suit it to what you love.. what you like and what works for you.  

With this the Sausage and onion is really important but the Tomato sauce etc that can go with what you have in your pantry.. this is a really good recipe for when rotating out stuff.

It is high in Acid so it stores well in cans if canned properly and it just gets better with time.. and DO NOT cut the cook time on this.. it will be tempting because it SMELLS like heaven.. but trust me.. just dont. Let it cook long and slow.. everything melds together to make the most delicious sauce ever. 

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