
Thursday, June 9, 2016

June Garden Update

After all the flooding and once our yard dried out, the weeds were almost as tall as we are. So, we had to move all the containers, makes for easier mowing and weedeating. I took the opportunity to reorganize the gardening when it was time to move them back. So many tomato plants were sitting in part shade and they really needed more sun. So as you can see, we placed the containers a bit differently, more organized. This also gave me the chance to really look over what was going on. So here's the June update!

Tomatoes - We have a total of 56 plants. Most are flowering and 3 are already producing tomatoes. The majority of the containers you see are indeed tomato plants lol.

Peppers - There are 20 of them. One plant is starting to produce peppers, some others are blooming. We moved them to a sunnier spot, which hopefully will help. I also recently read that peppers like to touch one another, so we grouped them all together.
A quick note, while doing the up close and personal plant check, I discovered a few plants that were still tiny. So as much as I hated doing it, I yanked them out and am repurposing those planters.

Summer Squash - 2 out of 4 plants are already producing, the other 2 are starting to put on blooms.

Potatoes - So far so good. I just planted a grow bag of russets. So now we have 3 types growing and 7 containers lol.
Broccoli/cauliflower - The grasshoppers have turned the broccoli and cauliflower into skeletons. Grr! So, we will be trying these again this fall.
Green Beans/Peas - Both are still blooming. One of my sons spotted a green bean yesterday. I guess grasshoppers don't like these as much thankfully.

Everything else is still just doing their thing. I did trellis our cucumbers and melons. Replanted carrots, as those were taken out by ants or flooding. Yesterday we planted baby corn and are waiting on the demise of a fireant bed before we can plant the peaches and cream corn.
Well, I have a kitten trying to help me type, so time to go lol.

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