
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Homestead First Aid : DIY Calendula Ointment (All natural and petroleum free)

Hello Lovelies! I'm back! Since I am on a tear getting stuff ready to go on a vacation, where we will be camping, I am making ointments for my travel kit. Earlier tonight as you saw I made Antiseptic Ointment.. This post is about Calendula Ointment which is great for Skin irritations, Rashes, and as a basic skin lotion type ointment..  For this you WILL need to have Calendula infused oil.. to do that.. you will need a few weeks..  I Use a jar, fill it with Calendula, Then with Olive oil..Put in a nice dark place and flip it a few times a day for 2 weeks minimum.. mine has been infusing for about 2 months.. yes I am a procrastinator.  A Pint Jar gave me 10 ounces..
I used 2 in the Antiseptic ointment the rest went into this ointment..

well lovelies LET'S GET STARTED!!!


Microwave or double boiler etc.. I microwave mine takes a minute and a half.. and its ready to go.

A Container to mix and melt the oils in that is heat proof/ microwave proof.. I used a Mason jar.

Containers to pour your ointment into, I used some that I got 10 for a Dollar from the Dollar tree..

Paper Towels since this MIGHT get messy.. it always does when I do it.

Something to use to strain your Calendula infused oil, since I make bath teas, I used a huge Tea bag.. you can use stockings, a fine mesh strainer etc..

Something to stir with..  I think thats everything..


8 ounces Calendula infused Olive oil

2 ounces Beeswax  I use Pellets for easy measuring, but you can grate your own or whatever.

40-50 drops of Lavender Essential oil

and Optional 1/4 Tsp of Vitamin E


First.. Strain out your Oil.

 once you are done you can move on to the rest..

Measure out 8 ounces of oil into a container of your choice..

Add 2 ounces of Beeswax grated or pellets to the oil

Bring oil over to microwave or other heating station.. the next few steps will show how *I* did it in the Microwave
Heat for 30 seconds.. and stir.

Notice still sunk and not melting much when stirred.. be sure to stir.. you really really want to stir..

Pop back in for another 30 seconds..

melting a bit.. but still not enough.. do not forget to stir well in between.. okay one more time.. Back in the microwave.. 30 seconds

THIS is what you want.. see how all of the wax has moved to the top? that's what you want.. now carefully transfer it back to your work station.. and start stirring..


 Keep stirring.. there are still pieces of unmelted wax..

Ahh there you go! All melted  Now Keep stirring till it cools down a little bit because you don't want it too hot or your essential oil will evaporate and then whats the point?

Okay Add your 40-50 drops of Essential oil and Stir some more..

don't worry total it takes about 5 minutes from Start to finish after you strain your oil.

Now .. pour your mixture in to your containers..

you will notice its a bit darker than the Antiseptic ointment.. because of the Calendula in the oil at this stage..

Alright! All packaged! dont forget to mark your container so you dont get confused.. cause its not that different in color..

Spot the difference.. which is which?

All finished! See how easy it was to create Calendula and Antiseptic ointment?  easy Peasy! And best part.. Petroleum free! No gasoline byproducts!  And you know exactly what you are putting in to it, because you need to remember.. whatever goes ON your skin.. will go IN your skin.. your skin WILL absorb it..

And don't worry neither are greasy!

that is all for now my lovelies! I hope you are all fantastic and I would LOVE to hear what you think, and if you make it let me see!

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