
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Garden Challenge

I was just looking through the new vlog posts of those I subscribe to and was inspired! So I thought I would pass on this vloggers way of thinking and challenge you to get started (if you haven't already).

When trying to decide what to grow, don't just buy random seeds/plants. Why? Because you might possibly plant things you don't currently use or end up with a bit of this and that, not having enough of any one thing to use effectively for your family. This could lead to waste and frustration.

So, what do you plant? Here comes the genius that inspired me!

Pick at least one thing that you are constantly buying when you go grocery shopping. It doesn't matter what it is, it could be broccoli, tomato sauce, peanut butter, pickles, a particular herb/spice, etc. Now make a plan to grow the ingredients that you would need to feed your family that item over the next year (or season if you really want to baby step).

What if you don't grow enough? Not a big deal. Plant what you think you'll need and if it's not enough, double or triple what you plant next year!

The only things you need to think about when choosing the item you are going to make at home are..

Will it grow in my zone?

Can the harvest be stored? (dehydration, canning, freezing, root Veggie storage, etc).

I love this way of thinking and over time it would get you to a more self reliant place with less stress and that is the goal! So I challenge you, if you're not growing yet, try this and produce a healthier product for your family and stop paying to much for it at the store!

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