
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Garden Update!

Good morning from Texas! The picture is our view to the west this morning. Simply beautiful.

Today is the next to last day of school here, my kids are super excited! And we have many things in the works around here. We're hoping to get a propane tank soon, so we'll have a working stove again, which means canning will be easier and homemade baked goods, like bread! We're also hoping to get some building done this summer, building a shed, various livestock areas and maybe even a greenhouse (fingers crossed)!

Now on to the garden!

Our morning glories are going crazy and I never trellised them, however I like the way they look without it so not worried about it this year.

The marigolds planted by the front steps have a bloom that's almost ready to burst open. We have a lily about to bloom as well. The rest of our flowers are still doing their thing.

The green beans should be ready for harvest soon and probably the peas not long after that.

Several of our tomato plants have buds or are already blooming. I'm excited to see how many tomatoes we end up with this year and to find out which types do the best for us out of those we planted.

Our pepper plants give me some worry. Most of them just don't seem to be taking off. But it's still early so maybe, we'll just have to wait and see.

The squashes, cucumber, cantaloupe and watermelon are growing away still. And my stick garden seems to show more signs of life each day.

As I said, we're still early in the season. I'll keep you updated as things progress into harvesting!

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