
Friday, May 6, 2016

Laundry Butter Ala Taz..

What is Laundry butter? well it's laundry soap.. really really AMAZING awesome Laundry soap. There are several places all over the place online that have recipes but I make mine kind of differently than other people.. So let's see if I can't explain this and show pictures and break it down cause I completely Screwed up my first attempt at this but got better so THIS is how I* Do it 

First you will need some Ingredients .. 

Fels Naptha Soap/ or Zote. you can get both in the Laundry Aisle at your supermarket.. or you can make your own soap out of lard and Coconut oil, but that is a post for another time.. 

Washing Soda.. NOT BAKING SODA! there is a distinct difference and trust me you don't want to get that wrong.. 


Purex Crystals or if you want to go natural way 20-25 drops Essential oil of your choosing. 
I went with Purex Crystals 

1 Quart Regular mouth Jar For each jar of Laundry butter you will be making.. I made 10 jars.. given my family of 3 takes about 2 months to use one jar when done properly.. this will last you a while. 

a Standard Blender you can usually pick one up at a thrift store for next to nothing 

Something to make hot water in.. I used my coffee pot. 

1st step.. Cut your bar of fels Naptha in half.. take half and grate it or cut it into very small chunks.. I personally found it easier to grate it.. 

Add that to one of your 1 Quart Jars ONLY half a bar for each jar so you will get Two 1 quart jars out of each bar of Fels naptha soap. 

Heat up water.. you can do this step on the stove, In the microwave or like I do.. COFFEE MAKER!!! 

okay.. so I personally used my coffee maker to make super hot water.. and poured over the soap enough to just cover it to about the levels you see in these pictures.. which.. aren't mine cause you can see these are cubed.. I shred my soap for better melting.  (This is from The Trailer park Homesteader so all credit for that image goes to them.. I forgot to take a picture at this stage.) 

Okay.. swirl it all together to make sure everything is emmersed.. DO NOT SHAKE.. trust me on this
.. it's not pretty..  ooh the foam the Foam.. it's just bad. 

Let sit for anywhere from 6 hours to 3 days.. your preference.. but let it cool down and gel. This is a VITAL step.. do not skip it. 

All Gelled.. isnt it pretty.. okay it's kinda gross looking at this point.

This is how you tell if it was done right.. its solid. thick gel

Okay.. Cut this into chunks.. to get it to separate from the bottom of the jar.. it kinda feels like you are chopping up a gummy bear.. and this is another pic of how thick it is.. seriously.. standing straight up..

All cut up.. isnt it.. well slimy and disgusting? but the point is it no longer sticks to the bottom of the jar.. and this will make the final step later easier.

see now when you turn it over it all SLORPS to the top of the jar.. unlike before.

Okay I made one of these bags for each jar because well I am OCD and it made mixing and keeping track of stuff easier for me.. 

Each little bag has 1/8 Cup Purex Crystals  if you choose to use it, you can also add 20-25 drops essential oil in at this stage if you choose to add a scent 
1/2 cup Borax 
1/2 cup Washing soda.. 

See isn't that easy? but with me being nuts.. I needed to do them this way cause other ways thanks to my memory I forget what I added and such.
This also makes it easier to store if you want to make one jar at a time instead of 10 at a time like I did.

Add your Borax, washing soda, and Crystals or Essential oil if you choose to use them to your jar..

PLEASE NOTE YOU SHOULD NOT USE OXYCLEAN! This will make your jars explode.. no really your jars will Blow up.. all over the place.. just NO OXYCLEAN or off brand versions there in. 

All Added.. isn't it just lovely? Okay now go get your pot of hot water ready again. I have figured out that one pot of hot water is enough to do 10 jars with a bit left over.

see..Full pot hot water.. (I never use this pot anymore because I use my keurig.. so it finds a use again)

At this point I should note that you should NOT do what I did and add the powder to all your jars at once and then take your time blending.. cause that ended badly.. do one jar at a time keeping your water hot.

Grab this off your Blender .. you know.. the carafe thingie.. just unscrew it off the bottom.. it fits standard mouth 1 quart jars like mine perfectly.

Add water enough to hit the curve.. and stir with a knife again just to get it all mixed up.. and place the Blender thingie on to the jar

Aren't I technical? yeah.. I know.. anyway.. so this is what it looks like at this point

PUT IT ON THE BLENDER!!! yeah.. hard.. now this part can get tricky.. if you do it weird.. some parts will mix and other parts wont.. or whatever.. I tend to hit the white button on mine.. you know the Pulse button until it gets nice and solidly mixed and then I hit the 3rd or 4th button to get it nice and going.. you don't need to do it too long.. it gets really thick really fast and you don't want to burn out your motor.

This is what it should look like after its all whipped.. nice smooth off white color all the way through.

there it is.. it will thicken up more as it sets.. But you have just made Laundry sauce that is WAY cheaper than anything you will get at the store.. you don't need anymore than a tablespoon per load of laundry.. seriously.. don't use more.. it gets messy.. use a measuring spoon.. just run it under the water it pops right out.. 

Hope this was helpful. love you guys.. if you have any questions just ask.


  1. That looks like grated cheese up there. I cannot make my brain believe it's not! Lol
    Out of curiosity...does that stuff dissolve really well in cold water? Because, some things need a cold wash and I was just wondering how it would hold up.

  2. It does dissolve in cold water, and hot water and warm water, It cleans better than a lot of your Laundry detergents that are filled with harsh chemicals too.

  3. I'm bookmarking this try if I ever can. I have such a hard time finding a laundry soap that doesn't irritate my skin. I've had the problem forever.

  4. That's because a lot of Detergents use chemicals that have Surfactants that are rough on sensitive skin.

  5. Can you use this in a front loader?

    1. yes you should be able to use it in a Front loader or an H.E. its a low foaming formula but it works wonderfully
