
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just a day (Taz)

Today we went to our local Bulk place Winco, and my husband was in total shock that I didnt fill the cart up and he looked at me like I was insane, but the fact was, there were a LOT of things I would have picked up, but I need certain things, so what I am able to bulk up on and stuff, is rather limited right now.. What I wanted to do is to look up prices, because you save money Buying in Bulk, and being able to Can and Dehydrate etc.. but right now while I can dehydrate, I dont have much storage room, so I am working on cleaning out the room for that and for my birthday I am asking for a pressure Canner so that I can can food, and buy in bulk.. but Pricing is a good idea cause I found Cheddar MUCH cheaper than our usual store, so I got some.. and I got other things much cheaper, but some things were WAY more expensive than we can get at our local Kroger/Smiths or at our Commissary.. so I know not to stock up there..  The weekend after next there is a Case sale at our Commissary and they have great prices so I will be stocking up on cans.. I cant stock up on too much fresh things because our entire family is about to go on our normal summer vacation to visit family and friends in another state.. so Know when to shop when not to shop..

Anyway.. yeah YAY my husband took me to my Winco, and he even apologized when I didn't make him go broke and I think I got something through his head today..

I stock up and prep, not because I HOPE I will need stuff, but because I might.. and I would rather have the stuff we need IF we need it.. than need it and not have it.. its kind of like insurance.. you might not need it, and you hope you wont need it.. but you want to have the stuff just incase

anyway Lovelies I hope you have a wonderful day.

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