
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

OMG You're a Prepper?!?!?!

Hello Lovelies, so been dealing with some stuff, and yes.. I am a prepper.. sort of.. I have a Homestead mindset, but since I don't have a home to stead.. I do what I can.. and that is prepping.

Do I think that there will be a Huge Zombie Apocalypse.. Nope.. already here.. hello look around.. zombies.. instead of brains they seek out WIFI.

Do I think that the End of the world is coming.. Nope.. Maybe the end of the world as we know it.. but not the end of the world.. the Planet can survive JUST fine without us screwing stuff up.


Well I was raised in the south.. where there are a LOT of tornados, and Hurricanes, and really really nasty storms that would knock out electricity for sometimes days.

I believe in being prepared. I have been through a lot of stuff in my life and I can not comfortably sit there and go .. oooh everything will be fine. I will be fine.. because I dont know if I will. But I know if I do stuff to be prepared I can do my best to be prepared, for whatever may come.. will I survive a Nuclear attack? No.. probably not.. probably wouldn't survive if Yellowstone blew up either, but we CAN be okay if a Storm knocks out the power, if my Husband who is the ONLY source of income for our family loses his job, or gets kicked out of the military, We have money in savings, and I am working on having enough food and water set aside to last us and maybe 2-3 other people for 3-6 months.. that will take time.. and energy.. especially since I currently DO NOT have a canner, and we are surviving on one person's income since I am disabled.

Do you expect any of these things to happen? well No one expects the unexpected.. Why do you buy car or house insurance? because you hope you WON'T need it, but you have something there incase you DO need it, and that is why I prep.

What are the benefits of prepping?

well one .. duh.. being prepared..  we have ONE insured car.. so ONE drivable vehical.. .. what happens if we cant go to the store for a while? well not a big deal.. my Husband can get a ride to work, and I can work from our pantry stores.

If a Storm knocks out our power for a few days, well I have enough stuff on hand to make sure that we survive, and have light (because I make candles) and that my fish will survive.. because .. well my fish are my babies.. I will do a post on that at some point.. but today is not that day..

You prep to be prepared, I keep survival equipment such as, Life straws, Paracord, fishing equipment, guns, ammo, Emergency saws, emergency candles, etc etc ec.. so that Okay say we are on the road and something happens.. say SHTF and we don't have what we need to survive otherwise.. well then we have backups..

I also have stuff for trading and barter since I make soaps and such. MUCH more than I could ever need, but you know what.. people like being clean.

So yeah.. I am a Prepper.. not a crazy OMFG THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING Prepper.. but a Prepper none the less..

and yes.. it does drive my husband crazy.

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